Windows Security

how to uninstall 360 total security

how to uninstall 360 total security

In some cases, 360 Total Security may have its own uninstaller. You can usually find this by going to the Start menu and searching for “360 Total Security”.

If the program appears, look for an option to uninstall or remove it. Click on the uninstall option and follow the on-screen instructions.

Additional Tips: If you have trouble uninstalling 360 Total Security using the above methods, you can try restarting your computer in Safe Mode and then trying to uninstall it again.

There are also third-party uninstaller programs that can help you remove 360 Total Security. However, it is generally recommended to use the built-in uninstall method first.

After uninstalling 360 Total Security, it is a good idea to restart your computer to make sure that all of the program’s files have been removed.

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